Minggu, Mei 27, 2012

Seleksi VS Dipilih

Okey, maybe judul di entri kali ini agak aneh. Tapi gue pengen ngeshare aja tentang pendapat gue mengenai judul tersebut. Pertama kalian semua pasti tau donk perbedaan antara kata seleksi sama dipilih? Nah, kalau menurut gue pengertian seleksi sendiri adalah orang ngeliat dulu kemampuan kita sampe mana apakah kita pantas buat mewakili sesuatu atau ikut sesuatu. Sedangkan kalau dipilih menurut gue adalah orang lain langsung milih aja gitu tanpa mengetes kemampuan dan mungkin aja ada orang lain yang lebih mampu tapi karena sistem pilih jadi orang yang mampu tersebut ga bisa deh menunjukkan kemampuannya. Menurut gue nih ya, sistem pilih itu ga adil banget. Berhubung gue juga pernah ngerasainnya jadi gue tau gimana rasa kecewanya. Bahkan biasanya sistem pilih itu cuma mandang faktor yang ga ada hubungannya sama sekali. Misalnya gini, kan ada pemilihan olimpiade Bahasa Inggris terus orang yang dipilih mewakili itu sebenarnya ga bisa Bahasa Inggris ya cuma wajahnya aja bak model akhirnya dipilih. Padahal ada yang lebih pintar Bahasa Inggris dari dia tapi malah ga dipilih. Faktor yang ga nyambung banget kan? Lain soal kalau misalnya dia dipilih buat lomba model ya pasti pas lah tapi ini kan masalah kemampuan bukan fisik doang?

Next, gue heran banget kenapa sih hampir setiap orang itu kayanya liat wajah dulu dan kemampuan belakangan? Ya kalau kaya kontes kecantikan gitu emang harus wajah yang diliat tapi ini kan bukan kontes kecantikan. Kalaupun kontes kecantikan gue pikir sebaiknya harus pake seleksi juga deh. Soalnya nih ya menurut gue kalau cantik or ganteng tapi kemampuannya kurang banget juga kerasa gimana gitu. Tapi nih ma'af sebelumnya guys. Gue ga maksud buat merendahkan atau apalah namanya sama orang-orang yang memiliki wajah yang enak dipandang. Tapi gue cuma pengen kalau memilih seseorang buat mewakili sesuatu sebaiknya pakai seleksi aja. Karena dengan seleksi kita bisa tau mana aja orang yang mampu dan mana orang yang bakatnya beda dengan bidang tersebut. Menurut gue juga semua orang itu cantik sama ganteng kok ga ada yang namanya orang jelek. Karena menurut gue Allah itu udah kasih kita angerah yang baaannnyyyaakkk banget, termasuk fisik kita. Ingat juga guys kalau SEMUA ORANG ITU CANTIK DAN GANTENG DENGAN CARANYA MASING-MASING.

Sekarang cukup deh tentang fisik-fisikan. Gue ga mau nanti ada yang ngira gue ngeremehin orang yang punya fisik yang bisa dibilang mungkin hampir sempurna. Ada juga kok banyak orang yang fisiknya bisa dibilang hampir sempurna dan juga mempunyai kemampuan yang mempuni. Tapi disini gue cuma mau negasin kalau pengen milih orang buat ngapain gitu atau mewakili ataupun ikut sesuatu kita sebaiknya pakai sistem seleksi bukan pilih. Mungkin dengan sistem seleksi orang yang terpilih bakalan bangga banget dengan kemampuannya sedangkan yang ga terpilih pun rasa kecewanya mungkin ga akan sebesar kalau dengan sistem pilih. Soalnya gini, menurut gue orang yang ga kepilih itu bisa tau kemampuannya sampai mana dan bisa nerima kalau ada yang lebih mampu dari dia. Sedangkan kalau dengan sistem pilih orang yang ga kepilih akan ngerasa kecewa berat karena mereka kan belum liat kemampuan kita tapi malah langsung ga kepilih. Menurut gue sistem pilih dan sistem seleksi ini adalah pilihan orang yang bertanggung jawab buat milih seseorang buat sesuatu. Mungkin namanya memang "memilih seseorang" tapi sistemnya harus juga adil dong. Karena setiap orang kan punya kemampuan yang beda-beda dan punya bidangnya masing-masing. Jadi gue cuma pengen orang-orang sadar kalau yang namanya sistem pilih itu kurang baik dan membuat orang merasa diperlakukan dengan ga adil. Yah, ini cuma pendapat gue sih guys, mungkin kalian punya pendapat yang lain dan mungkin ga sependapat sama gue. Tapi gue cuma mau nyampein apa yang gue rasain dan pikirin. :)

Tapi satu lagi nih yang mau gue bahas guys. Menurut gue beda lagi urusannya kalau seseorang itu mencoba dan kerja keras dan akhirnya dipilih buat sesuatu. Itu ga ada sama-samanya sama sistem pilih. Soalnya gini orang itu dipilih dan mendapatkan apa yang dia mau karena kerja kerasnya sendiri dan tentunya karena Allah juga pastinya. Tapi yah yang kaya gue bilang tadi ini berbeda dengan sistem pilih. Nah kalau dengan cara gini sich gue setuju banget dan bakalan ngedukung banget orang tersebut. Jadi jangan disamain yah kalau orang dipilih karena kerja kerasnya sama orang dipilih dengan cara melihat faktor yang sama sekali ga mendukung.

Ya udah kayanya sekian dulu nih guys. Ma'af banget kalau ada kata yang menyinggung *SORRY*. See you later and keep choice selection system :)

Jumat, Mei 25, 2012

Happy Birthday My First Brother..!!

This post dedicated for my first brother's Birthday. I think the time is soo fast. I mean I don't really realize that he is 24 years old now. Well it mean that he is 8 years older than me. But I'm soo happy that we are soo close even our age is not really close. I really thankful to Allah that I have brother like him. Even for a long time I really wanna have sister but It's okey. I feel really happy have 2 amazing and awesome brothers. I think they both really care to me even they never said it. I know it and I love it. I'm soo happy that my first brother is more older now. I believe that he will be more grown up in everything.

HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY MY FIRST BROTHER..!! I'm soo sorry that I don't have a gift for you. But I will always praying the best for you. I wanna you found the right girl and that girl really love you with all her heart. I don't wanna that girl hurt you or something. You are to special to be hurt by a girl. I just praying that your girlfriend now is that right girl. I wanna you feel happy when you with her. I wanna you feel that this world is beautiful no matter what with her. I wanna some day you could give me beautiful nieces. I wanna my family and her family is always in good relationship. I never wanna hurt you but If that girl is not the right girt please leave her and explain the reason to her. Cause I don't wanna hurt a girl cause that is really really bad thing. But If you sure she is was the right girl I just can praying for you that you and her will be together someday and forever. I really love you, that's why I'm so care about who you choice for your partner in your life. I never wanna you feel pain when you with your partner. I just wanna you can smile everyday when you with her and said love each other. My wish is simple but I think it's really important for your life. :)

 Not felt that you are 24 years old now, and you be my brother is about 16 years old. I really love you no matter what. Even we fight sometime and misunderstanding sometime but I still really care and love you soo much. I never image more good brother than you. I mean to me you are perfect brother and I never ask for the better than you. Cause I have you in this world and that was amazing thing in my whole life. I'm really thankful to Allah and my parents cause they is makes me have you, A PERFECT BROTHER. There is no one better than you to be my brother. I love you soo much. I think you could understand what that words mean. I know you busy with your job now but I believe that you still really care to me. I LOVE YOU :)

You are my brother..you are my model..you are my valuable property..!! There is no one could make you stop to be my brother. There is no reason to make us hate each other. Even we fight, we never hate each other and be back soon. It's really beautiful thing, amazing thing, awesome thing, incredible thing in this life. I sure that I will feel lonely If I doesn't have you. Cause you teach me this life. I think you teach me a lot things of this life. You teach me how to survive. Even you never really told me about this but I could feel it. When I'm with you I feel save and I think that there is no one will hurt me If I'm with you. You are everything for me. I just wish that even we have our own family later you will be always care and love me like now. THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING..!! :D

HAPPY BIRTHDAY..HAPPY BIRTHDAY..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LOVELY BROTHER..!! I wish on this birthday you could be better in every way. Stay be my lovely brother and stay be my model in this life. You are one of all big things that Allah ever give to me. I'm really really thankful for it. I know Allah love me soo much that's why Allah give me you, a wonderful brother. I love you soo much and I'm really thank you to you. It's all I can do for you. I'm really sorry If this not enough. But I'M SOO PROUD HAVE A BROTHER LIKE YOU..HAPPY BIRTHDAY..!! :D

Just information that our names is not James and Joanna. It's just the picture :)
Happy Birthday my BigBro..!! :)
I love you soo much brother..!! :)
Happy Birthday again my lovely brother..!! :)
Me and my brother..!! :D
The photo above is me and my brother. Well, that photo taken about a couple years ago. But I love this photo so I think I wanna put it here. I wish me and my brother always could that close forever. I woundn't lose him or just stay away from him. Cause he is to special to me. I LOVE YOU BROTHER..!! :)

#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)

Pictures Source :

*Just information I search all pictures from google.com :)

Senin, Mei 14, 2012

Historic Day (Part 1)


I think these words is makes my day today. Today will be one of my historic days of my life. I'm soo thanksful to my god, Allah. Allah really love me.I believe that. Cause Allah is always here with me, whenever I got wrong way. Allah always makes me come back even I was soo wrong. I'm soo happy and thanksful that I have Allah beside me. I really feel like there is nothing more important than Allah. I'm soo proud that I have Allah. I wish I will always feel like this forever. I wouldn't to far away from Allah anymore. Cause I believe that I couldn't live without Allah. I know I'm not yet be a good muslim but I will always tried it everyday. I really wanna makes Allah happy and more love me. Cause I'm always believe that Allah is my true love.

Okey, everyone I think It's important to thank to Allah first before I start to tell you about one of my Historic Days. Then I will tell you about one of my Historic Days now. It's about 16.30 or more I read something really special for me. I read that I passed the first stage of selection AFS. I was like jump to the sky when I read and see that page on Chapter Banjarmasin's Blog. I was like, I don't know after saw that I just makes my body cold and said thank you to Allah all the time. I always pray about this then Allah makes it happen today. I'm soo thank you to Allah. I don't think it's enough to back but this all I could do and I think Allah will happy too If I'm happy. Even until now I still feel like fly to the sky and reach the clouds. Do you know how happy I am right now guys? :)


#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)

Pictures Source :

*Just information I search all pictures from google.com :)

Sabtu, Mei 12, 2012

What I Think About Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato, I still remember when the first time I saw her music video and since that her become one of my favorite singers. I remember that the first time I saw her music video when my brother suggest me to watch it. Before watch that music video I was know about Demi, but I don't really know about her work. I remember the first music video I've ever watch from her is "Don't Forget". Then I immediately loved the song and Demi, of course. I think she was one of all amazing singers I've ever know. I mean her voice is really strong and high too. Since that I listened the song almost everyday and make that song be one of all my favorite songs.

Okey, I will tell you more why I love Demi until now. First, I love her voice soo much cause I could feel in her voice that she is the strong girl. Second, her acting is amazing too. I've ever watch some movies of her, and I like all that movie like Camp Rock or another films was played by Demi. I think they all amazing movies. Third, I think she is the great person and the important thing is she is really care of all her fans. I think she really love her fans soo much. After she received rehabilitation about a year ago, I think that she is more being strong girl now, more than before. She really care about bullying. Cause I've ever read that in the past she ever got the bullying too. That's why she is really care about it. I love how care she is about this problem. Cause I think there is much childrens who still got the bullying in school or even at home. Fourth, I think she is always care about her best friend too, like Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus. I love to see her friendship cause I think that was really beautiful. Fifth I think she could inspire a lot of people to reach the dreams and makes it come true some day. There is much think I love about Demi but one word could and that word is "BEAUTIFUL" :)

Here guys, some photos of Demi :

Okey, guys I wanna share some photos again, but this is her album cover :

She have three albums now. I wish that she can make more and more albums for all Lovatics around the world. At the last I just wanna said that If you don't like a celebrity, just don't judge them. Cause you know that is their job and still remember that they all is human too, just like us. I've ever read a lot of bad comments of Demi. I don't blame anyone about this but just remember guys, If someone or a lot of people said anything bad about you, what are you feel then? You can answer that, right? So just imagine that was us who receive bad comments from a lot of peoples. I don't said this because I'm in favor of one of the celebrity. I just said this because I hate to read bad comments about someone even she/he is not celebrity. So, just make a peace everywhere you are..!! :)

#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)

Pictures Source :

*Just information I search all pictures from google.com :)

Jumat, Mei 11, 2012

Demi Lovato - Gift Of A Friend

#"Gift Of A Friend"#

This is the song of Demi Lovato and this song is soundtrach from the movie too. That movie is Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure. I've ever watching that movie and I think that was really good movie. Cause in that movie you could learn that friend is a good think in your life, so don't throw away your own friend. Cause without your friend you couldn't through this life. Like the lyrics of this song. I love this song soo much because the mean of this song is really amazing for me. I love Demi's voice too in this song cause she could reach the high note in this song. But I think she always could reach the high note on every song she has ever brought. The music video of this song is really good too. Cause Demi can make it really good like her another music video.This soundtrack was realeased on September 22nd 2009 with 12nd another songs. The music video of this song was got 9,743,464 views until now and that video was uploaded by therealdemilovato on September 4th 2009. The link is here guys : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZtUA9_ID0U

So, here is the lyrics guys :

Gift Of A Friend

Sometimes you think you'll be fine by yourself 
'Cause a dream is a wish that you make all alone 
It's easy to feel like you don't need help  
But it's harder to walk on your own
You'll change inside when you realize
The world comes to life and everything's bright  
From beginning to end when you have a friend by your side 
 That helps you to find the beauty you are  
When you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend  
The gift of a friend
Someone who knows when you're lost and you're scared  
And they're through the highs and the lows  
Someone you can count on, someone who cares  
Beside you wherever you'll go
You'll change inside when you realize
The world comes to life and everything's right  
From beginning to end when you have a friend by your side  
That helps you to find the beauty you are  
When you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend
And when your hope crashes down  
Shattering to the ground you, you feel all alone  
When you don't know which way to go  
And there's no signs leading you home, you're not alone
The world comes to life and everything's bright  
From beginning to end when you have a friend by your side  
That helps you to find the beauty you are  
When you open your heart and believe in  
When you believe in, when you believe in the gift of a friend

So, what do you think guys? How beautiful song isn't? :)

Picture Source :

*Just information I search all pictures from google.com :) 

Jumat, Mei 04, 2012

My Imagination

Okey, guys for the first part of this entry with title "My Imagination" I just wanna say that I makes this because I wanna share what imagination in my head right now when I write this. So I hope you enjoy this new title from me. I hope too that all my imagination is become real one day. Who knows, right? This is it guys, my imagination is begins :

Next year I'm soo sure that I will pass the tests of AFS program and I will go to England. In that time I was the first student who send to there for exchange year. I was really happy and always said thanks to my god, Allah. When the time is come I going to Jakarta for orientation before go to England. After one week in Jakarta, me and all students of exchange is going to our destination or you could said our country of destination. I remember that I was trying soo hard to could pass this program. But all that hard-work is worth it. Now I really going to another country for a year and feel how to school there. This is really amazing thing in my life. I've never forget this for everything. It's hard to leave my lovely family for a year but this my dream so I have to strong for it. I know that they always be there for me and support me. I'm soo happy that I've had family like them. Can't image that If I don't have them all. I love my family soo much and whatever would be happen for a year next, I will always think and praying for them.

After landed, first thing I really wanna see in England is The Tower Bridge in London. I was disappointed when our guide said that we're not gonna to London and we'll directly go to our host parents's house. That mean we'll not cross The Tower Bridge in London. I was really sad that time and almost crying cause I don't know why but to see that bridge is really important to me. But suddenly our guide said that he was joking and we will go to London first before going to our host parents's house. I don't know why but when he said that I just like can't control myself and jump around. When I realize what I do, I was soo embarrassed to everyone there. But they just smile to me and said like "You will see the bridge, sweety!".

When we reach the brigde, I just like wanna scream and told the world "HEY WORLD I SUCCESSFUL REACH YOU NOW" *LOL*. I know this is really really crazy but this is me, someone who really could reach one of all my dreams with hard-work by myself and my god, Allah. Woow, I'm soo happy right now. But after cross that famous bridge, I suddenly feel really nervous. Cause I don't know where is my host parents's house and that mean I don't know yet where I will live for a year here. The guide said that we will know that after we have orientation in London for 3 days. But there is one thing that really annoyed my mind now. Cause I'll be the only one who stay in England while my friends whos with me right now have to go to another country. But this year the orientation is in London so they will stay with me for 3 days later. But how about me? Did I have to be really alone and search a really new friends? I'm really nervous about this thing right now. But someone told me this thing could be a good thing for me. Because of this maybe I could have new friends and they all is really new for me and of course I'll be have a lot of new friends later. I think that was right so I start calm down now.

When we arrived at a building where we will have some orientation there, I don't know why but I just feel a little scare of that building. When I saw the window at second floor I just feel that someone is watching me from there. I told my friend, Elizabeth about this and she said that maybe it's just my feeling cause I was nervous it that time but she said too that she feel the same thing with me. Before I continued this story I will tell you first about my bestie Elizabeth. Elizabeth is from France and I just meet her about a couple hours ago. But I don't know why I feel like I knew her for a long time. She really understand me and always help me for adapt here. I hope that after this orientation we will meet again and share all story we've got. Okey, I will tell you about Sherly now. Sherly is my bestie too now. She is from Indonesia and exactly she is from Bandung. I meet her about one week ago but she is like Elizabeth. I mean she could understand what I said even maybe what I said is hard to understand but she always understand that. You know, I never thought that I will have bestie that fast. I thought I will have bestie after one month here but that was wrong and I'm really happy for it. It's like a dream for me. I love them soo much too.

(This building is just like in my imagination)

While in orientation I was really nervous all days. Cause I can't stop to think how is If I really alone here without know nobody. I can't stop to think that this is will be bad or something. I just pray everyday that I could makes this easy everyday. Cause I have to survive here for a year. I know this is my dream so I have to accept all the risks. But thank god that everyone here is really support me and always makes me stronger everyday. I love them soo much. I meet them just about a days ago but they is like my family right now. Never thought that I will meet all those amazing peoples. I really thank god everyday cause of this beautiful life.

After wait for 3 days finally I know where I will live for a year here. They said I will live in Bradford, West Yorkshire in Northern England. I almost jump after hear this. Cause I'm always imagine that in England I will live there and then this is become true. I was soo happy and forget about how nervous I was when waiting for that announcement. I don't know Bradford is like a dream place to me. Cause I hear that in Bradford is has a significant Pakistani population and Islam has become prominent particularly in inner city areas such as Manningham and Bradford Moor. Because I'm Islam too so I feel happy for this and I'm soo proud that I'm muslim. But for me you can't makes a religion become a problem, cause the religion is inside yourself. You'll never know what is inside other person except you ask it. So I think it's really not a problem but I just feel happy that maybe I could have place for celebrate Eid Mubarak for a year later.


#to be continued

#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)

Pictures Source : 

*Just information I search all pictures from google.com :)

Kamis, Mei 03, 2012

The News

I don't know what title that I have put on the top of this article. Cause you know this is important for me and maybe for a lot of Directioners. That today I heard Zayn Malik 'One Direction' is official have a relationship with Perrie Edward. The first thing crossed in my mind was "How could Zayn with her now?", and of course I'm soo jealous with her. I know that this crazy but I really jealous. I mean it. This is the first time I really jealous with artist or in this case is singer. You know that before fall in love with 'One Direction' I've been fall in love with 'Justin Bieber' and makes him my idol before 'One Direction'. When Justin started dating with Selena Gomez, I feel like "It's okey that was his life even I don't like it soo much but he is have his own life and his own decision for that". Exactly, I don't really feel jealous of 'Jelena' (Justin & Selena) and now I don't even care about them cause that was their personal life. But still I love Justin soo much cause he is still be my favorite singer.


Okey, stop to speak about Jelena. Now we start to speak about Zayn. Seriously I hate to know that Zayn is with someone now. God, what I have to do with it? Can I have a deal with it? I don't know cause this heart is really jealous with them. I know this news is not really clear yet but still it hurt me. I just hope that the miracle is come to me and then they is never know each other 'till I can get him *LOL*. I don't know why but Zayn is success makes me really jealous. This is soo crazy. Zayn, could you know how hurt is it? But yeah after all as a fan of Zayn I just hope that girl could makes my Zayn happy until I can meet him and makes him mine *LOL again*. Maybe it's too much for a couple people but you know what jealous is? It's hurt everybody. Even I never meet him yet and just know about his creation with his band and a little of his personal life, for me it doesn't metter. Cause even before meet him I can feel this, then how If I really meet him later? If I read this maybe myself will thing that I'm start crazy about him and this is really weird. I just wish that I don't have to search a new idol again after Zayn and his One Direction. I hope that you guys could understand this cause maybe, like I said, It's too much crazy. Just can wish all the best for Zayn now. I smile for you Zayn *EVEN INSIDE I WAS CRY AND JEALOUS WITH YOU* T_T

Perri                                               Zayn

What do you think guys? Do you think she can makes my Zayn happy? I hope so, even hard to said this. Okey guys I recently read that Zayn and Perri is still wish. You know what I mean, right? I wish this is was right guys. I really happy when I read that but still my heart is hurt. I read too, that Zayn said all his fans is his girlfriend so I think I can called myself Zayn's girlfriend now *LOL*. How about you guys? I wish I could have a real news about this case *I said it was case for me*. And yeah I make this just because I wanna express my feeling about this case. So I'm really sorry If in my words here is hurt one of you guys *smile* :)

#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)

Pictures Source : 
*Just information I search all pictures from google.com :)

Selasa, Mei 01, 2012


New School

It's about 10 months I've been in new school or you can called it High School Senior. But now I feel really really tired to school there. I mean I feel that I don't really have a friends there. They just like a shadow friends for me. They never really care to me. They never really understand me. Sometimes I feel that they just use me. I don't know why but I sometimes always feel like this. Now this feeling is getting really bad in my heart and head. I know I've ever hangout together with them but I don't really feel that was for have fun. I can't be myself when I'm with them. I can't understand myseft when I'm with them. Even I don't know who am I when I with them. Do you know how bad is it? It really bad and more getting bad not even a little better.

Everyday I try to lie to myself that I like that school. But in real I don't like that school even I hate that school. I wanna cry because maybe cry could makes my feeling better but I can't. I don't know why but I just can't do that. It's just worse everyday. I'm scream, crying and angry inside but no one care about that or even hear that. I can't tell anybody about this cause I know they would blame me and said that I'm wrong about everything. Are you like it If you share your feeling to someone and hope that your feeling will be better then he/she just blame and said you wrong to judge anything? Of course you don't like or even hate it, right?

Even my parents. They just like always blame me of everything I do. It seen like always wrong for them. I try to make them proud but what they response? It hurt me soo much. I've ever thing that I wanna suicide but I know my god Allah would hate it so I try to survive. But I feel more empty everytime. I let someone I loved go without can said nothing about my feeling to him. I just wanna feel soo loved everytime. There is a lot peoples said that you have to loved everyone to being love from everyone too. But I try to loved as much as I can but why there is a lot of them don't even care to me? What I've been did to you guys? :'(

I really wanna to move from my school now. But I still don't know are this is a right decision or not. Allah please give me answer about this. I really need it now. Cause my heart feel like stone now. I can't feel anything except anger, sorrow, disappointed and confusion. I feel my life is not calm now. Can anyone help me? Please don't let me fall in deep circle! I really need your help guys. I sure that I wanna end this fast but I don't know how. I still work to do it. I really wanna free of this things. I wanna feel happy to do my school like another students out there. Why I can't feel it that way? What is my mistakes 'till everything being like this? I hate it soo much. I'm too tortured of this. There is soo many question in my head. That I really wanna get the answer of that all questions. But who can answer that? The answer is nobody. It getting more hurt.

Okey guys, I wanna share some pictures. I know maybe that weird but just see it and read the description :

First picture
Okey, it's kind of weird that I put this pictures in left. But you know that on that picture in written : PLAY, LEARN and GROW TOGETHER. That words is describe about what I want. I mean I wanna in school I can PLAY a long with all my friends and have fun together and I don't have to be someone else, I just have to be myself. But I still can't find that way. The second word is LEARN. Do you know what is that mean for me? Yeah, that word mean that I wan to LEARN at school then I'll be a smart and can have a good future. That simple what I want. But in my school now, I can't learn or even just read a book with a calm feeling. Cause there is too much annoyance around me. They not like makes me not concetration or what but I don't know why with them I feel like I'm not save and I'm uncomfortable. I can't explain this thing cause I don't know why too. The third word is GROW TOGETHER. This is maybe the most important to me. Cause I wanna in school that I have friends to GROW TOGETHER and try to search as much as we could have experience of this life. That was I want the most. Without that I feel like glass without water. It feel soo dry.

Second picture
I know that second picture is more weird than the first picture. But you what? This picture is has a complete means for me. Cause you can see that is 18th icon on that picture. All of that 18th icon is really have mean for me.You could see the first icon until the eighteenth icon. I think that you would know why I said all that icons is important and have mean for me. Three words below that picture is Watch, Love and Share. I really want feel that three words in my school life. But until now I don't really could feel that. I don't know why but I think I'm not yet found where I belong all this time, or maybe I wrong about this. But I just could pray to my god, Allah that I could find my happiness in my own school. I just always tried to pray and think about this. I just wanna always positif thinking because I really believe that positif thinking could become a positif think too in my own life. I wish all I want happen at my school is really happen as the time is goes. I believe it will really happen someday cause I know I still have Allah. I believe too that Allah will always there for me and never leave me alone on this.

Third Picture
This is the third picture and you could said too that this is the last picture. I know it maybe weird too but it have a simple mean for me. First in this picture you could said that just students, teacher and school bus. But If you wanna know what it mean to me is that in this picture, I wish I could be like that. I mean I know here is no school bus but I just wanna that smile will be mine. I wish I could school everyday with smile on my face, with the smile from all my friends and teachers too. It's must be really beautiful school life for me. I just wanna that my teachers waiting us with the smile on their face before we start to learn about everything at school. Ain't that simple guys? But that simple thing is hard to makes it come true. But in my mind I think I could make it happen. It's just need a little miracle of positif thinking and praying to god, Allah and of course I have to work-hard for make it happen. Cause there is nothing impossible in this life or you could said in this world. Cause believe or not you always have someone who watching you from out there. That someone is you god, Allah. Allah will always believe your dreams and believe me, Allah will always make it happen when you just could imagine how Allah will make your dreams come true. I just wanna said that NEVER GIVE UP FOR EVERYONE AROUND THE WORLD..!! :)

Okey, I wanna continue my story at school now. About a week ago I choose to break from school. Cause I don't know why I feel like really boring at school that time. I have a break from school about one week and I just wanna stay in my sweet home. When I do that I feel happy. There is no loads in my mind about school anymore. I even don't think about my scores at school. The point is I don't think about school at all. Exactly it's kind of fun but I makes a situation getting bad.Because I makes my family wondering why I don't wanna go to school. But I didn't said nothing. Cause the truth is I don't know the real reason of this. That's why I couldn't said anything when everyone ask me why. But in myself I have one or two reason but I think this is not the point of this problem too. First, maybe I still going school a couple months ago because in that school I meet my first love maybe that makes me survive in that school all this time cause you know from the first time I feel like I don't really like that school. But since I meet him maybe with the possibility that I could meet him everyday I still survive in that school, like I said before. Second, maybe I makes this decision because I was feel not happy in my class. Cause I don't know why but I feel like lonely there even I could laugh together with them but I feel like nothing happiness inside. Well, maybe that my reason, but still it's doesn't mean that I do this because of that. I know you maybe confused read this. But you know what, I'm confused too about this. So I hope you understand about that. The important thing of all of this is or you could said the point is I wanna have a REAL FRIENDS at school and could get my FIRST LOVE.

Well, guys I think it the last story from me. Just wait my new story of my school life. Okey, after about three days I'm not going school my teachers come to my home. They ask me why I'm not going school in long time. They ask me like "Are you ill?" or like "Whether one of the teachers scold you?". But you know what, I said yes on the second question. I know it's not really my reason but that it one of all the reason. I know it's not the point but I couldn't tell them the real reason , so I just tell the supporting reasons. Then two days next I still not going school cause I don't really ready yet. But then my friends come to my home. They ask me about the same question with my teachers. But I said the different answer. I said I'm not going school because I don't like the situation of my class. Well, this is was one of all my real reason. I'm soo happy too that there are friends who care to me. I just wanna they all be my real friends until forever. Cause exactly I never thought that they would care like this to me. As the last words of this post, I just wanna said "I'M ALWAYS PRAYING AND THINK THAT MY SCHOOL LIFE WILL BE MAKES ME HAPPY EVERYTIME". :)

#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)

Pictures Source : 
*Just information I search all pictures from google.com :)

One Direction - WMYB

(: What Makes You Beautiful :)

This is was One Direction's first single.This is the first song I've ever hear from them. Cause honestly I've never hear about them before this single is come out. But I feel soo happy cause now I've become one of all Directioners now. The first time I hear this song is from youtube when I was saw their music video. Since that I love this song soo much. Cause this song is soo lovely and cute basicly. Because you know the mean of this song is really beautiful, as like how beautiful Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall and Louis is. And of course I love them soo much too. The music video of this song is really amazing too. The basicly background of this video is beach and I think that beach is in England. The music video is had 128,691,016 views until now and uploaded by OneDirectionVEVO on August 19th 2011. I'm soo happy that their video is have a new viewer everyday until could reach as many viewers as it is now. So I wanna share the link of this video too so you can see it too : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJO3ROT-A4E . Makes their video have a lot of viewer and be a famous video in the world. :)

Here is the lyrics guys :

What Makes You Beautiful

 *Liam Payne*
You're insecure
Don't know what for
You're turning heads when you walk through the door
Don't need make up
To cover up
Being the way that you are is enough

 *Harry Styles*
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

*Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall and Louis*
Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But you when smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
But that's what makes you beautiful

*Zayn Malik*
So c-come on
You got it wrong
To prove I'm right I put it in a song
I don't why
You're being shy
And turn away when I look into your eyes

*Harry Styles*
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

*Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall and Louis*
Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But you when smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
But that's what makes you beautiful

Nana Nana Nana Nana
Nana Nana Nana Nana
Nana Nana Nana Nana

*Harry Styles*
Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But you when smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful

*Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall and Louis*
Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But you when smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
But that's what makes you beautiful..!!

#Sing it together guys..!! :D 

Frienship ^_^

Beautiful Friendship :)

I still remember that I meet this 5 best friend about three years ago. Everyday we meet at school. Everyday we talking and laugh. I never forget about them in my life. They is the one of all important things in my life. We try to know well each other for 3 years at school. Now, we had a different school but still all of you is my best friends. I never thought before that we will be best friends like this. You guys always be my best friends forever, no matter what. I love you all. I dedicated this first post of my blog is for you guys : Putri, Nida, Zia, Dhiya nd Nida.

I just hope that we can be best friends forever. Because you guys is really mean to me. I feel so bless to have you guys. Maybe we fight and have a little bit misunderstand sometimes but I hope that wouldn't make us broke. Cause this friendship too beautiful to be broke just because that little thing. I understand maybe you guys have something you don't like in me. But trust me I tried everyday to be more great and amazing. I hope you understand when I was get mad, angry, sad, disappointed, scare or even hungry *Hahaha*.

At least the important thing is we are best friends and we know that beautiful thing. So just try to maintain this guys. Cause I love this friendship and I love you soo much guys :)

#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)