Jumat, Desember 28, 2012

How to be Popular (Meg Cabot)

This my first review about a book. Okey, I better start it now.This book is written by Meg Cabot. Maybe some of you already know who she is. Honestly I just know her a couple days ago when I borrow this book. As far as I know, the most famous books ever written by Meg Cabot is Princess Diaries. Because I just knew her so I don't really know about her book yet. So I'm sorry If I say anything wrong about her and her book.

Why I borrow this book from the book rental place is because I interested by the title 'How to be Popular'. The first thing that cross my mind when I read the title, is this book contain about step by step to be popular, I thought it's like a tips not a story. Because I interested about to be popular and maybe I could follow it (LOL), so I think I will borrow it after have a hard decision (because there is a lots of great books there).

At the beginning I felt boring to read this book. I don't know why but I just don't really get it. But then when I decide to just read it until the end, I realize this book is really great. I mean the story is (well you could said it's like the real situation on school) really good and real. I think there is a lots of teens (like me) who wanna feel popular. This book could teach us a couple thing too.

First, when I finish read this book, I realize I learn about something important. I think that your real love is who will accept you whatever you are, you just have to be yourself to attract attention from him/her. But when you fall in love with someone who makes you change just to attract attention from him/her that mean it's not the real love cause you will feel tired later, cause it mean that you not to be your own self. Well, this just my opinion and I think this is what I can get from this book.

Second, from this book I could learn that only your real friend who will accept you, just the way you are. I mean they will never ask you to change and you just have to be yourself to be could laugh and have fun with them. There is no acting between real friends. That what I learn from Steph, Jason and Becca (the characters of this book)

At least, I just recommended this book for you. Cause this is a really good book or I could say story. I don't wanna talk much about the contain of this book. Cause I think it more enjoy when you could read it yourself. But the point of the story is how Steph Landry (the main character) trying to be famous and made people like her and not underestimate her anymore. She just think her life with her best friend (Jason and Becca) is not enough but she will realize who is her real friend and what the point of being famous. It just my opinion about the point of the story in this book. I'm sure you guys have your own opinion. I think that's it guys. You will not regret it (to read this book). Okey, then see you again until next review from me. Bye..gamsahabnida..!! :) 

#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)

Pictures Source :

Jumat, Juli 13, 2012

Little Mix - Cannonball

Hi guys..!! I wanna share Little Mix’s first single now. It is a song called Cannonball. I love this song since the first time I heard it. I still remember when I first heard this song. That’s when Zayn ‘One Direction’ and Perrie Edward ‘Little Mix’ are official for now and go to public. There is someone share Little Mix’s music video. That video is Cannonball music video. In that time I just curious about who is Perrie and Little Mix so I opened it. When I saw the video I really like it and I don’t know why this song could makes me cry at the first time I heard it. It kind of a little weird for me cause I never really cry when I heard a song at the first time heard before. Since that I like Little Mix even I still jealous about Zayn and Perrie. But I think it’s okey even I jealous with them it doesn’t mean that I hate Perrie or Zayn now. I like Perrie and I love Zayn. I know they were together for now, so I think that is their business right? So why we interfere their relationship? Just come on guys leave them both alone. I just don’t like when someone said that ‘I hate Perrie’ or something bad like that. Did Perrie did something wrong to you that makes you hate her? I think you couldn’t hate someone when you don’t even know her at all. Except you know her really well, known inside of her then you think that you hate her it doesn’t matter. But this is different. I mean you don’t know her at all, she just dating with idol. I know how the feeling of all Zayn’s fans because I’m his big fans too. But I couldn’t makes it a reason to hate Perrie. Okey I think enough to talk about Zayn and Perrie and maybe I will talk about them again on the next post, now we talk about this single, Cannonball. I think this song is really really great. Because the lyrics and how Little Mix sing it. It’s really beautiful. The video is have more viewer when Zayn and Perrie start to go public but I think it doesn’t matter. The matter is this song is amazing and I think it wouldn’t makes you disappoint when you opened it just because Zayn. Cause like I said this song is really great. The viewers of the music video is 3,195,710 viewers until I write this post. This video Published on Dec 20, 2011 by LittleMixXFVEVO.Here the link guys : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlxoG9gNZU4


There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
It's still a little hard to say what's going on
There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
There's still a little bit of your face, I haven't kissed
You step a little closer each day
That I can't say what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a Cannonball

There's still a little bit of your song in my ear
There's still a little bit of your words, I long to hear
You step a little closer to me
So close that I can´t see what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Cause it's not hard to fall
When you know that you just don't know

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie

So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Cause it's not hard to fall
When you float like a Cannonball
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to cry
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Cause it's not hard to fall
And I don't want to scare
It's not hard to fall
And I don't want to lose
It's not hard to grow
When you float like a Cannonball

There is the lyrics of this song guys. Let’s sing this song together..!! :)

Here is a little of their photos :


#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)

Pictures Source :

Rabu, Juli 11, 2012

Crazy Dream Part 1

Well, helloo again guys. I’d loved to tell you about my crazy dream now. I don’t know this crazy or not for you but I think this is a little bit crazy. Wanna know what is it guys? Okey, prepare yourself to read this guys *LOL*. In this dream I really wanna to be MOTO GP’s rider. It’s that sound crazy or weird? But I’m serious about this dream. I mean I really want it. If someday I’ve got a chance to be the rider I will take it fast. I love ricing soo much. Exactly just this couple months I started to love race. This is beginning when I was ride my motorcycle and someone always like race when he ride motorcycle and that person is really special for me. Since that I started interesting race. You could say that he teach me about that. He teach me too to be be careful when I ride. I miss how he ride and when we meet on the street. When I ride my motorcycle fast I’m always remember about him and when like that I could feel him even maybe that just in my mind, but I don’t care. So thanks for him that he makes me like ricing and still be careful when I was ride. Thank you..!! :)

Sorry I share about someone special for me. But this dream come because of him makes me realize that I really love ride. I really wish that this dream will be come true someday. I’m always BELIEVE that think. Cause whatever your dream, just believe that you’ll be make it happen someday. Maybe you will fail at the first time you trying. But believe me it doesn’t matter cause you still have Allah that always help you in everything and every way. I’ve ever feel how to fail at the first time I trying makes my dream come true. I drop the first time I know that I’m fail but then I tried to still BELIEVE on my dream. Cause that is the real purpose of dreaming. You’ll never know when that dream will be come true. But until that just trying to makes it come true everyday. Let’s start with BELIEVE…!!!

 Okey, back to my dream to be rider again. I wish that I could feel how to be rider even just once in my life. I wanna feel it. Every two weeks I’m always trying to watch Moto GP at my TV. It makes me more dream about it but that what I want. Cause I love to be dreaming and trying makes it happen someday. But before becoming rider I wanna watch it live with my own eyes. It must be feel really great and amazing. A couple weeks ago I’ve ever heard on TV that one of the riders is a girl. That words makes me more believe that this is will be come true someday. I didn’t see where is her but I think she’s great. To be rider? Oh..god that the cool think ever..!! :D

#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)

Pictures Source :

Minggu, Juni 24, 2012

Parkiran Sekolah :)

Huh..kayanya judul entri aku makin aneh aja yah? *LOL*. Tapi tau ga guys ini entri emang bener-bener tentang parkiran disekolah aku. Emang sih aneh banget aku nyeritain tentang parkiran tapi itulah yang terjadi. Baru hari ini tadi juga aku ngalamin sesuatu diparkiran sekolah. Makanya aku langsung kepikiran buat nulisnya diblog. Ga kerasa juga aku udah markirin motor aku diparkiran sekolah udah hampir setahun. Kayanya gimana ya, kaya baru aja gitu aku masuk sekolah itu dan markirin motor disana. Justru diparkiran sekolah itu juga aku punya banyak cerita. Emang mungkin ceritanya aneh-aneh cuma membekas aja gitu. Ya sudah lah daripada panjang lebar lagi (kalo lebar mulutnya siapa? *Tukul style mode : ON*) lebih baik aku mulai yah ceritanya. Check this out guys. :)

Cerita pertama nih, sebenarnya sih ceritanya biasa aja malah memalukan buat aku. Tapi ga apa-apa lah yang penting ini malah bisa membuat hidupku lebih berwarna *apasih?*. Gini, kalau ga salah waktu itu hari Jum'at dan kayanya itu masih kaya awal-awal aku masuk sekolah. That time is awal-awal I meet my first love at school jadi masih kaya agak shock low liat dia. Berhubung itu awal-awal aku ketemu dia ya aku masih kaya gimana gitu dan rasanya pengen ketemu terus. And then on that Friday I was wait him di parkiran sekolah. I don't know why but I think he lama banget munculnya. Udah mulai putus asalah waktu itu. Tapi ternyata dia datang membawa sejuta harapan *ahaaayy*. Agak sedikit shock sih cz aku kira dia ga bakalan nongol.

Okey, dia kan udah dateng tuh. Terus I wanna get out from the gate together with him. But I just too shy to look at where he stand. Kalo ga salah ga berapa lama kemudian dia nongol lagi dengan motornya. I really wanna go too but my motorcycle was stuck. Rasanya pengen banget bisa segera keluar tapi emang lagi stuck banget. Mungkin waktu itu aku maksain banget buat bisa keluar dan akhirnya kejadian itu pun terjadi. Aku menumbangkan beberapa motor dengan kekuatan bulan (?). Asli malu banget waktu itu mana diparkiran emang lagi rame. Ga tau kenapa waktu itu aku kaya melongo gitu aja ngeliat motor-motor itu berjatuhan. Aku langsung terdiam seribu-lima-ratus-dua-puluh-tujuh-koma-enam-puluh-tujuh bahasa waktu itu. Ga kebayang deh betapa malunnya aku waktu itu. Tapi syuukuurr banget ada kakak kelas yang bantuin aku. Kalo ga salah itu ketua osis kelas XII. Ya ampun jadi tambah malu banget waktu itu. Kalo ga salah ada sekitar tiga orang yang ngangkatin motor-motor yang berjatuhan itu. And you know what? Aku cuma diam diatas motor tanpa ngelakuin apapun. Terus you know what (lagi)? Semua yang bantuin aku itu kakak kelas. Yang lebih parahnya lagi nih ya abis mereka bantuin aku dan motor-motor yang tumbang itu udah berdiri tegak, aku malah langsung cabut aja tanpa bilang makasih sama semua kakak kelas itu. Bahkan nih ya aku sama sekali ga buka kaca helm aku, saking malunya. Tapi ga tau kenapa ya semua yang bantuin aku barusan itu kaya cuma sekedar bantuin gitu terus ya udah mereka ga kenapa-kenapa lagi. MAKAAASIIII SEBANYAK POHON KURMA ehh salah maksudnya sebesar-besarnya DEH BUAT SEMUANYA YANG UDAH BANTUIN AKU WAKTU ITU. MA'AF BANGET AKU GA SEMPAT LANGSUNG BILANG MAKAASIII SAAT ITU cz you I'm soo shy in that time. THX U SOO MUCH GUYS..!! :D

Okey, cerita kedua sekaligus yang terakhir untuk post kali ini. Sebenernya banyak sih cerita yang aku punya saat diparkiran sekolah tapi aku cuma pengen share kedua cerita ini aja. Kejadiannya sekitar bulan Mei kalo ga salah cuma udah agak-agak lupa juga sih. Tapi yang pasti ceritanya itu kaya gini guys. Kan waktu itu aku agak telat dateng kesekolah bukan telat juga sih sebenernya cuma pas-pasan aja gitu datengnya, nah gara-gara itu kan aku jadinya ga dapat tempat parkir didepan yang nantinya enak dikeluarin pas pulang jadilah akhirnya aku parkir dibagian belakang yang udah penuh juga. Aku langsung ceritain pas pulangnya yah. Gini lho ceritanya, kan waktu itu aku udah pengen banget yang namanya pulang ke rumah cz udah cape sebanget-bangetnya dah. Tapi ternyata motor aku stuck lagi dan susah banget dikeluarinnya. Tapi ternyata tiba-tiba ada yang dorongin motor aku dari belakang atau bisa dibilang narik motor aku kebelakang supaya bisa dikeluarin. Terus dia bantuin terus sampe motor aku benar-benar bisa keluar. Gila baiknya minta ampun tu orang menurut gue. Terus temennya kan ada sempat bilang kaya "Tu motor kamu udah bisa keluar" ke orang yang bantu keluarin motor aku. Mungkin dia bantuin aku supaya motornya juga bisa keluar cz mungkin motor aku ngalangin juga. Tapi orang itu diem aja dan malah terus bantu keluarin motor aku. Mana aku tetap duduk dimotor aku pula waktu itu padahal kan motor aku beratnya minta ampun terus ditambahin aku duduk diatasnya pula. Bener-bener baek tu orang. Mana aku juga ga sempat bilang maakaasii lagi sama dia soalnya ga tau kenapa abis motor aku berhasil keluar aku langsung aja gitu jalan dengan enaknya. Tapi pokoknya makaasiii banyak buat orang yang udah bantuin aku itu, dan kayanya dia itu kakak kelas juga. Jadi bingung deh kenapa kakak kelas doyan banget bantuin gue? *LOL*. PKOKNYA THX U VERY MUCH MUCH MUCH LAH...!!! :D

Pictures Source :

*Just information I search all pictures from google.com :)

Minggu, Mei 27, 2012

Seleksi VS Dipilih

Okey, maybe judul di entri kali ini agak aneh. Tapi gue pengen ngeshare aja tentang pendapat gue mengenai judul tersebut. Pertama kalian semua pasti tau donk perbedaan antara kata seleksi sama dipilih? Nah, kalau menurut gue pengertian seleksi sendiri adalah orang ngeliat dulu kemampuan kita sampe mana apakah kita pantas buat mewakili sesuatu atau ikut sesuatu. Sedangkan kalau dipilih menurut gue adalah orang lain langsung milih aja gitu tanpa mengetes kemampuan dan mungkin aja ada orang lain yang lebih mampu tapi karena sistem pilih jadi orang yang mampu tersebut ga bisa deh menunjukkan kemampuannya. Menurut gue nih ya, sistem pilih itu ga adil banget. Berhubung gue juga pernah ngerasainnya jadi gue tau gimana rasa kecewanya. Bahkan biasanya sistem pilih itu cuma mandang faktor yang ga ada hubungannya sama sekali. Misalnya gini, kan ada pemilihan olimpiade Bahasa Inggris terus orang yang dipilih mewakili itu sebenarnya ga bisa Bahasa Inggris ya cuma wajahnya aja bak model akhirnya dipilih. Padahal ada yang lebih pintar Bahasa Inggris dari dia tapi malah ga dipilih. Faktor yang ga nyambung banget kan? Lain soal kalau misalnya dia dipilih buat lomba model ya pasti pas lah tapi ini kan masalah kemampuan bukan fisik doang?

Next, gue heran banget kenapa sih hampir setiap orang itu kayanya liat wajah dulu dan kemampuan belakangan? Ya kalau kaya kontes kecantikan gitu emang harus wajah yang diliat tapi ini kan bukan kontes kecantikan. Kalaupun kontes kecantikan gue pikir sebaiknya harus pake seleksi juga deh. Soalnya nih ya menurut gue kalau cantik or ganteng tapi kemampuannya kurang banget juga kerasa gimana gitu. Tapi nih ma'af sebelumnya guys. Gue ga maksud buat merendahkan atau apalah namanya sama orang-orang yang memiliki wajah yang enak dipandang. Tapi gue cuma pengen kalau memilih seseorang buat mewakili sesuatu sebaiknya pakai seleksi aja. Karena dengan seleksi kita bisa tau mana aja orang yang mampu dan mana orang yang bakatnya beda dengan bidang tersebut. Menurut gue juga semua orang itu cantik sama ganteng kok ga ada yang namanya orang jelek. Karena menurut gue Allah itu udah kasih kita angerah yang baaannnyyyaakkk banget, termasuk fisik kita. Ingat juga guys kalau SEMUA ORANG ITU CANTIK DAN GANTENG DENGAN CARANYA MASING-MASING.

Sekarang cukup deh tentang fisik-fisikan. Gue ga mau nanti ada yang ngira gue ngeremehin orang yang punya fisik yang bisa dibilang mungkin hampir sempurna. Ada juga kok banyak orang yang fisiknya bisa dibilang hampir sempurna dan juga mempunyai kemampuan yang mempuni. Tapi disini gue cuma mau negasin kalau pengen milih orang buat ngapain gitu atau mewakili ataupun ikut sesuatu kita sebaiknya pakai sistem seleksi bukan pilih. Mungkin dengan sistem seleksi orang yang terpilih bakalan bangga banget dengan kemampuannya sedangkan yang ga terpilih pun rasa kecewanya mungkin ga akan sebesar kalau dengan sistem pilih. Soalnya gini, menurut gue orang yang ga kepilih itu bisa tau kemampuannya sampai mana dan bisa nerima kalau ada yang lebih mampu dari dia. Sedangkan kalau dengan sistem pilih orang yang ga kepilih akan ngerasa kecewa berat karena mereka kan belum liat kemampuan kita tapi malah langsung ga kepilih. Menurut gue sistem pilih dan sistem seleksi ini adalah pilihan orang yang bertanggung jawab buat milih seseorang buat sesuatu. Mungkin namanya memang "memilih seseorang" tapi sistemnya harus juga adil dong. Karena setiap orang kan punya kemampuan yang beda-beda dan punya bidangnya masing-masing. Jadi gue cuma pengen orang-orang sadar kalau yang namanya sistem pilih itu kurang baik dan membuat orang merasa diperlakukan dengan ga adil. Yah, ini cuma pendapat gue sih guys, mungkin kalian punya pendapat yang lain dan mungkin ga sependapat sama gue. Tapi gue cuma mau nyampein apa yang gue rasain dan pikirin. :)

Tapi satu lagi nih yang mau gue bahas guys. Menurut gue beda lagi urusannya kalau seseorang itu mencoba dan kerja keras dan akhirnya dipilih buat sesuatu. Itu ga ada sama-samanya sama sistem pilih. Soalnya gini orang itu dipilih dan mendapatkan apa yang dia mau karena kerja kerasnya sendiri dan tentunya karena Allah juga pastinya. Tapi yah yang kaya gue bilang tadi ini berbeda dengan sistem pilih. Nah kalau dengan cara gini sich gue setuju banget dan bakalan ngedukung banget orang tersebut. Jadi jangan disamain yah kalau orang dipilih karena kerja kerasnya sama orang dipilih dengan cara melihat faktor yang sama sekali ga mendukung.

Ya udah kayanya sekian dulu nih guys. Ma'af banget kalau ada kata yang menyinggung *SORRY*. See you later and keep choice selection system :)

Jumat, Mei 25, 2012

Happy Birthday My First Brother..!!

This post dedicated for my first brother's Birthday. I think the time is soo fast. I mean I don't really realize that he is 24 years old now. Well it mean that he is 8 years older than me. But I'm soo happy that we are soo close even our age is not really close. I really thankful to Allah that I have brother like him. Even for a long time I really wanna have sister but It's okey. I feel really happy have 2 amazing and awesome brothers. I think they both really care to me even they never said it. I know it and I love it. I'm soo happy that my first brother is more older now. I believe that he will be more grown up in everything.

HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY MY FIRST BROTHER..!! I'm soo sorry that I don't have a gift for you. But I will always praying the best for you. I wanna you found the right girl and that girl really love you with all her heart. I don't wanna that girl hurt you or something. You are to special to be hurt by a girl. I just praying that your girlfriend now is that right girl. I wanna you feel happy when you with her. I wanna you feel that this world is beautiful no matter what with her. I wanna some day you could give me beautiful nieces. I wanna my family and her family is always in good relationship. I never wanna hurt you but If that girl is not the right girt please leave her and explain the reason to her. Cause I don't wanna hurt a girl cause that is really really bad thing. But If you sure she is was the right girl I just can praying for you that you and her will be together someday and forever. I really love you, that's why I'm so care about who you choice for your partner in your life. I never wanna you feel pain when you with your partner. I just wanna you can smile everyday when you with her and said love each other. My wish is simple but I think it's really important for your life. :)

 Not felt that you are 24 years old now, and you be my brother is about 16 years old. I really love you no matter what. Even we fight sometime and misunderstanding sometime but I still really care and love you soo much. I never image more good brother than you. I mean to me you are perfect brother and I never ask for the better than you. Cause I have you in this world and that was amazing thing in my whole life. I'm really thankful to Allah and my parents cause they is makes me have you, A PERFECT BROTHER. There is no one better than you to be my brother. I love you soo much. I think you could understand what that words mean. I know you busy with your job now but I believe that you still really care to me. I LOVE YOU :)

You are my brother..you are my model..you are my valuable property..!! There is no one could make you stop to be my brother. There is no reason to make us hate each other. Even we fight, we never hate each other and be back soon. It's really beautiful thing, amazing thing, awesome thing, incredible thing in this life. I sure that I will feel lonely If I doesn't have you. Cause you teach me this life. I think you teach me a lot things of this life. You teach me how to survive. Even you never really told me about this but I could feel it. When I'm with you I feel save and I think that there is no one will hurt me If I'm with you. You are everything for me. I just wish that even we have our own family later you will be always care and love me like now. THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING..!! :D

HAPPY BIRTHDAY..HAPPY BIRTHDAY..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LOVELY BROTHER..!! I wish on this birthday you could be better in every way. Stay be my lovely brother and stay be my model in this life. You are one of all big things that Allah ever give to me. I'm really really thankful for it. I know Allah love me soo much that's why Allah give me you, a wonderful brother. I love you soo much and I'm really thank you to you. It's all I can do for you. I'm really sorry If this not enough. But I'M SOO PROUD HAVE A BROTHER LIKE YOU..HAPPY BIRTHDAY..!! :D

Just information that our names is not James and Joanna. It's just the picture :)
Happy Birthday my BigBro..!! :)
I love you soo much brother..!! :)
Happy Birthday again my lovely brother..!! :)
Me and my brother..!! :D
The photo above is me and my brother. Well, that photo taken about a couple years ago. But I love this photo so I think I wanna put it here. I wish me and my brother always could that close forever. I woundn't lose him or just stay away from him. Cause he is to special to me. I LOVE YOU BROTHER..!! :)

#NB : I'm sorry If my english was bad cause I still learn about it :)

Pictures Source :

*Just information I search all pictures from google.com :)